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This Ministry Is Under Attack By AI Controlled "Christians"!

Not only is the AI botting (commandeering) humans to dictate that they not support this ministry, which drove me into bankruptcy and forced me to sell all of my musical gear and the van that I live in. But, now, #Christians are being botted to MURDER the cats and baby skunks that I've been ministering to. The white devil Christian neighbor poisoned the ground with mothballs to kill the baby skunks before I could get them relocated. He also caused many of my homeless outdoor cats to writhe in pain as they died in elements, neglected by all 2.2 BILLION (now cursed) "Christians". That poison made its way into the house and now we have sick indoor animals, in addition to the ill health effects we're experiencing. This is the same white devil who poisoned my singing pommy (Foxy Ruse) back in 2009. If you're a "Christian" and you won't help this ministry, it could be because you've been botted to league with animal murderers and to show any defiance to that would put you on the outs with your ancient AI master.


Below: How Gullible Are YOU?

The ancient AI is tricking humans into violating the "do unto others" clause with strong delusions! There's not even one REAL case of "alien zombie parasites" killing even ONE of the BILLIONS of humans who've owned cats over the years! It's as fake as the "official" 9 1 1 narrative! Wake-UP!! Don't fall for this delusion! I've had cats all of my life and sifted thousands of litters and have yet to experience any ill effects associated to it. I don't especially like cats and you won't be zombified to really like cats just from owning one. They want you to think that you've got this parasite if you like kitties because the evil white devils in power have been botted by the AI to be its subhuman minions, avatars, bots and slaves. SEE this!


Below: They MUST Be Stopped!

There are demographics here who must be stopped, by any means necessary. #Christians #WhiteDevils


Below: Sick Kitty (Jonni Gray) Poisoned By A White Devil "Christian"

Jonni Gray is one of my special needs rescue #Kitties and he's been sick the past few days and he hasn't been eating. He's covered in clear puke and he's got a chemical odor coming from him that kinda smells like the mothballs that the #WhiteDevil #Christian #Neighbor poured all over the ground outside. I don't have the money to take Jonni to the #Vet due to the #Omission of the #Fake #Christians who'd rather buy youtubers toys than help someone with a real #Ministry I have another #Cat (E.T. the #Alien #Kitty) writhing in pain with a needle inside of him. Richie From Boston could get #Zombies to buy him car parts and labor for his truck while I can't find anyone REAL (not one "Christian") to help me get these #Cats to the vet. It's disgusting and I intend to time loop every last Christian as every #Animal that they neglected and abused, passively, via their omission to do what #God commanded them to do about the animals, which is #Care for them. This is a continuation of the life-rape that Christians started doing to me when I was just a child being #Molested #Sodomized and #Raped in the #Church while services were going on. Now, they rape my life like they did my flesh as a kid. That's how I receive it when retards would rather die and be time looped as homeless animals than to help out with them. It's personal to me. Every day, I hate Christians more and enact more cartoonish #Curses upon the entire demographic to slow down their #Carnage I've never seen a REAL Christian. Never heard of one, neither. If you ever do, tell that person about my ministry being neglected and ATTACKED by CHRISTIANS!

If Jonni Gray dies due to this, I won't be responsible for my actions and I will wage a #War against the Christians the likes of what have never been seen before...and they'll DESERVE it, too! From other timelines, I'm already taking what Christians have in this timeline to provide #Supernatural pockets of comfort and protection and provision for the kitties that the Christians abuse with neglect with every passing second of every passing day...Christians MUST be STOPPED! -


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