A Generation Of Murdered Kitties...Thanks
I'm bewildered. To say the least. I counted on "Christians" to stand in the gap while I dealt with this mental illness that'd cause me to...

What A REAL Minister Would Say If There Was 1 Besides Me (trans church)
Just sharing what the charlatans disguised as "ministers" won't teach you. #TransChurch #ShemalePreacher #ShemaleMinister...

This Kitty Village Ministry Feeds MORE Than Just Homeless Cats
This ministry feeds MORE than just homeless cats and a few rescue dogs. We also feed the birds that pilfer the kitty food outside. Plus,...

This Ministry Is Under Attack By AI Controlled "Christians"!
Not only is the AI botting (commandeering) humans to dictate that they not support this ministry, which drove me into bankruptcy and...

'Christian' Neighbor Caught On Video Poisoning Me & Others With Mothballs
In 2009, my singing pommy had his first heart attack and seizure after sniffing the ground right where that evil #Christian #WhiteDevil...

Other Stuff Being Done To Raise Funds
Okay. So this ministry being neglected and deprived of funds by the ancient AI controlling the humans to prohibit them from contributing...

Hidden Amazon Gold
The world is making ancient AI avatars and bots of humans is why so few feel any desire to help this ministry. So, if it's beyond you to...