Kitty Village
Kitty Village is an unofficial ministry for homeless cats in Grayling Michigan.
We've been feeding and adopting out the feral cats that get dumped off in or otherwise attracted to our neighborhood.
In 2015, our first batch of kittens had a mother and 5 kittens. Of those 6 kitties, we were able to get 3 adopted out. The mama and two of her babies remained with us due to specials needs.
Currently, we and others in the neighborhood are outdoor sheltering and feeding as many as eight cats, 6 of which are kittens. The mother of this batch is already pregnant with another litter.
We're extending the invitation to participate with us in this mission effort. We still need to catch this batch of kitties and get them to the vet for shots, worming and neutering. Funding is needed, as well as volunteers and foster families.
We welcome donations of dry food, canned food and litter; and also gift cards for vet care redeemable at the Animal Hospital.
Cat Story of the month:
It's 2018 and this ministry is still being neglected by the humans who're controlled by the ancient artificial intelligence that wants animals to suffer.
You can make a difference, if you can defy the AI bombarding your mind with reasons to NOT help out.
This ministry is a daily ministry with escalating costs.

Kitty Village
c/o Lisa Marie Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI